Teaching Artist Residencies
Jeanne Leffingwell has taught over forty residencies in Idaho, Washington State, Oregon, Alaska and Mexico. She has also presented numerous workshops for teachers, and has published articles in her areas of expertise. Jeanne has a great deal of collaborative experience with all ages, designing and directing educational programs such as “The Million Bead Project”.
As a teacher, Jeanne shares not only her extensive knowledge and skill level, but also her enthusiasm for learning about the history and significance of art forms and individual objects, whether created for practical, aesthetic, or spiritual purposes.
Above all, Jeanne's desire is to share the insight, challenges and enjoyment of using ones own hands to express and create.
“Hablo español.” Jeanne speaks functional Spanish and enjoys working with Hispanic and mixed populations.
Current residency descriptions: All residencies are designed to accommodate the needs and learning goals of the sponsoring school or agency and can be adapted to suit special populations.
- Focus on Loom Weaving with Beads: Jeanne shares intriguing historical aspects of the art form, its many cross-cultural connections (with special emphasis on Native American work) as well as her own samples from around the world. Using art, math and reasoning concepts, students will learn to design and create works in glass beads. They will gain increased hand-eye coordination, more ability to focus, and a growing respect for sustained artistic effort.
- Beading Techniques Sampler: Students will enjoy making introductory projects in loom beading, appliqué, peyote stitch, and wirework using various designing & patterning concepts.
- Mixed Media Mirrors: Students will explore design, stitching, bead appliqué, wire work and other techniques. Each student will create a mirror framed with a time capsule of her/his present interests.
- Printmaking: Introductory block printing projects reinforce design concepts, planning and organization as students carve their own blocks and explore many individual as well as collaborative printing processes. Color theory, design principles, and fun with tessellations are stressed.
Call (208-882-7211) or email Jeanne for current artist fee and materials estimates.